3 Running Tips to Help You Get Faster, Improve Your Form, and Prevent Injury

Running is one of the best ways to exercise as it’s totally free and you don’t need any gym equipment to get started. But, running is super challenging and in order to become a better runner, you have to work on your form. Here are three tips to help you get faster, improve you form, and prevent injuries.

Don’t Bounce

Runners often bounce between strides which wastes energy. If you stay closer to the ground and decrease your time in the air, you’ll run lighter and absorb shock better. To see if you’re bouncing, record yourself running to see what you’re running mechanics look like.

Pull Instead of Push

Using a pulling stride while in contact with the ground allows you to use your hamstrings and glutes, which results in a shorter stride and higher cadence. This decreases your chances of getting injured. To start pulling, lift your heel up to about mid-calf of the opposite leg, keeping it in line with your glutes.

Lead With Hips

When you lead with your hips instead of your head and shoulders, your extensors kick in and running upright is more natural. Again, record yourself to see if you’re leading with your shoulder and head or your hips. Think about running upright instead of leaning forward or backward.