3 Small Self-Care Challenges That Have a Big Impact on Your Life

Photo by Noah Silliman on Unsplash

Self-care is so much more than putting on a face mask and taking a bubble bath in your free night. There are many things you can do to focus on yourself and some of the most efficient ones are actually small habits you can change in your daily life. Here are three of them. 

Phone-Free Walks 

It’s amazing how walks without a phone can make you notice the world around you. Instead of listening to music or a podcast, you can take this time to disconnect and notice the weather, the fresh air, and the world around you. 

Tech-Free Mornings 

When it comes to disconnecting, it’s very important to allow yourself some offline time when you first wake up. The best way to do it is to leave your phone out of the bedroom and just don’t rush to it before you’ve completed your morning routine. 

5-Minute Tidying Sessions 

You don’t need marathon cleaning days if you keep your home tidy on a daily basis. Not only this will leave you with more free time over weekends, but it will also keep your head clear and yourself less anxious every day. You only need five minutes once or twice per day to make a difference and feel accomplished.