4 Lifestyle Changes to Help You Meet Your Fitness and Health Resolutions

Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash

We’re already a few weeks into 2021 and if you made health and fitness goals for this year, now’s the time when sticking to them starts to get harder. Congrats on making it to the new year! If you want your healthy eating habits and fitness goals to stick past January, here are some tips for lifestyle changes for the long haul.

Make Specific Goals

While it’s common to make the goal to lose weight or get in better shape, it’s better to focus on ways to make small, specific lifestyle changes like eating three fruits and vegetables a day, drinking at least 60 ounces of water a day, and exercising three days a week.

Follow a Well-Balanced Diet

Fad diets aren’t sustainable over time and neither is eliminating entire food groups. Once you start eating that food again, you’re likely to overindulge. Instead, pay attention to portion size and eat your favorite foods in a well-balanced diet.

Find Substitutes

It’s hard to give up foods you really like, like desserts, pizza, or alcohol. With time, you’ll crave these foods even more, so instead, try to find substitutes you enjoy. This can include making a lower-sugar version of your favorite dessert or adding more vegetables into your pasta.

Be Consistent

Setting a goal is easy, but following through is a lot harder. Changing your diet or working out will be difficult at first and it takes time and commitment to stick to these resolutions. With time, these changes will become second nature to you and they’ll be part of your lifestyle.
