5 Secrets to Getting Flat Abs

We all dream about having six-pack abs. We have five secrets to help you attain that body you always wish you had.

Deep Breathing

Breathing correctly while exercising, has a huge impact on achieving the results you want. Deep breathing activates core muscles and it can help you focus on having a better workout.


Always include cardio as part of your workout. Ab workouts are great, but they will not help get rid of that extra fat.


Trying to achieve flat abs can be stressful. It’s even harder if you’re constantly stressed out because the levels of hormones in your body changes when you’re anxious, which can lead to slower results.

Steady Blood Sugar

It’s recommended to eat every 2 to 3 hours to keep a steady blood sugar.

Full-Body Workout

Focusing only on ab exercises will not help you get flat abs. Instead, need to keep a balanced routine and workout the whole body.