5 Surprising Benefits of Plank Exercise

Image via trxmpteam/Instagram

Plank is one of the most popular exercises today. However, its benefits are underrated. It is excellent because it doesn’t require any foreign body, only bodyweight. Some benefits of this exercise include:

Strengthening core muscles

This exercise focuses on the main muscle groups found in your core such as the glutes, straight, transverse, and oblique abdominal muscles. You can shed fat from your abdominal while doing the plank position.

Reducing the risk of spine and back injuries

This position doesn’t strain your spine while building strength. When you assume the plank position regularly, you strengthen the muscles in your back and reduce back pain.

Enhancing your metabolism

If you don’t have a lot of time to exercise or your live a sedentary lifestyle, the plank can be very effective for enhancing your metabolism. Performing the plank exercise for a short time during the day can help speed up your metabolism during the day and night as well.

Improving your posture

Plank works on the muscles of the core and improves your posture. You’ll stand straighter and have a better posture since the muscles in the core are necessary for overall posture.

Improving flexibility

Stretching is not the only activity that makes you more flexible; plank exercise do as well. They help stretch and expand the posterior muscles in the back and legs.