5 Unhealthy Breakfasts You Should Skip

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and that’s why it’s important to pick foods rich in fiber, protein, and healthy fat to start your day off right. Here are five choices you should definitely avoid.


Bagels are not a healthy food option because they are made of low-fiber refined grains and adding cream cheese or margarine into the equation only makes things worse.


Cereals are pretty much everyone’s go-to breakfast food, but most of them are high in refined sugar and picking one that’s actually healthy takes a lot of effort.

Pancakes and Waffles

Both of these popular breakfast options are high in refined flour and the sugary syrups you’re using as a topping aren’t making them any healthier.


Just like most of the other pastries on the market, donuts are extremely high in calories, but they lack the fiber and protein your body could use early in the morning.


Toast is too low in fiber to be a good breakfast option, and adding margarine to the mix is a disaster waiting to happen since it contains unhealthy fats.