5 Vitamins That Can Improve Mood and Energy Levels

Photo by Jonathan Perez on Unsplash

If you’re feeling sluggish and low, have you considered increasing the number of vitamins and minerals in your diet? We’re not promising a cure for your bad day, but vitamin deficiencies can contribute to feelings of depression and low energy. Here are five vitamins which are known to improve mood.


Magnesium plays an important role in maintaining health and balancing mood. Deficiency can cause fatigue, mental confusion, irritability and even increased stress and anxiety. Getting more magnesium in your diet can increase serotonin production which contributes to the feeling of happiness. The mineral can be found in nuts like almonds, cashews, and peanuts as well as spinach.


You can get B12 in animal products but if you are vegetarian or vegan, it is important that you take a supplement to compensate. B12 deficiencies can cause weakness, tiredness and even depression and anxiety. If you want to keep energized and happy, it is important to make sure you are getting the recommended 2.4 mcg per day.

Vitamin D

With our modern lifestyles, it can be hard to get enough vitamin D from sunlight if you are stuck in an office during the week. Vitamin D is essential for keeping away a low mood so if you aren’t getting enough sun, it might be worth incorporating a supplement into your diet to help ward off depressive moods.


Calcium not only keeps bones strong but is important for energy and mood. If you don’t eat or drink dairy, you can find high levels of calcium in leafy greens like kale.


Iron can be found in meats and other food sources like lentils and soybeans. Not getting enough iron can lead to fatigue, depression and even anemia – so be sure to get enough.