5 Ways to Start Eating Healthy Again

While working from home, we’ve had some significant lifestyle changes, especially related to our diet and exercise. We’ve had unlimited access to snacks and we often eat when we’re not hungry, just out of boredom. Sticking to an eating schedule can help you develop healthy behaviors. Here are ideas on how to start eating healthy again.

Mark Your Calendar

Set aside a time on your calendar to eat lunch, snacks, dinner, and when you can go grocery shopping. You’ll be more productive during the day if you keep your body fueled with nourishing foods.

Start Small

Set a reminder on your phone for snacks or meals at certain times. This will help you develop habits to eat at these times.

Cook Once

When you don’t have food prepared ahead of time, you may find yourself snacking. Make food ahead of time to avoid this issue and make sure it’s well balanced with proteins, grains, and veggies.

Keep Frozen Meals Around

Look for healthy frozen breakfasts and lunches, so when you’re super hungry next time you can make these instead of eating whatever you see first.

Be Easy on Yourself

You may need to make changes to your eating schedule and if you’re feeling hungry, go ahead and eat, even if it’s not part of your scheduled eating time.