5 Ways to Take More Steps Each Day

Photo by Arek Adeoye on Unsplash

We all know we should be taking around 10,000 steps a day, but it can be hard to fit all those steps in. Here are a few tips to easily incorporate more steps into your life! With these minimal-effort ideas, you might not even notice you’re doing it but you’ll be hitting your target daily before you know it!

Take the Stairs

Elevators can be oh-so-enticing, but taking the stairs is a fantastic way to get more steps in. Not only will climbing up and down stairs up your daily average, it will also get your heart pumping, engage your muscles and strengthen your joints.

Walking Meetings

Instead of being stuck in the conference room, suggest a walking meeting. You and your colleagues will get fresh air and exercise, and walking may even stimulate new ideas and creative approaches.

Get Stuck into a Juicy Podcast

Sometimes, going on your daily walk can feel like a chore. But if you get stuck into a juicy podcast or audiobook and tell yourself you’re only allowed to listen while walking, you’ll look forward to popping your trainers on each morning for another installment!

Pace like a Pro

We tend to stand around or sit down while doing other things. Why not pace instead? While the microwave is doing its thing, or you’re on the phone with your mom, pace around the house. Take inspiration from the pandemic-pros who ran marathons on their balconies and make use of the space in your home.

Get Off the Bus Early

This one might take some will power but it’s worth it. Get off the bus or train one or two stops before your actual stop, and walk the rest of the way. It may only add an extra 10 minutes onto your journey and your Fitbit will thank you!