6 Healthier Alternatives to Sports Drinks

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

Sports drinks may be tempting to reach for especially after a workout, but there are much healthier alternatives to help you refuel.

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Better than Gatorade🤫⚡️⚡️✨: how to make your own healthy sports drinks👌 Sugar and neon artificial-colored sports drink isn’t exactly the healthiest way to supplement a sweat session. You do need a way to replenish electrolytes, though. Electrolytes are like the power lines of our body—they conduct electrical signals that maintain fluid levels, acid-base balance, and muscle function. When you lose water through sweat, as you know, out go the electrolytes, too. And one way to replenish? Make your own healthy drinks, which is super easy😀. You want your recipe to include water, sugar, salt, and a source of potassium like orange juice 🥤 . A simpler formula of water, maple syrup (a good source of potassium), and salt, will do the trick, too. Here is my favorite drink with ginger!👍🏻🤩 Electrolyte Sports Drink 1/2 liter of ginger water (recipe below) 1 liter of water Juice of 3 small lemons 🍋 1/2 tsp. sea salt (you can add a bit more if you’d like) Stevia to taste Ginger Water: 1 medium-sized ginger root 1 liter of water Liquid Stevia, to taste Cut ginger into large coins and place into a large pot. Add water. Bring water to a boil, then simmer for 15 minutes. Turn off heat and let steep until cool. Add liquid stevia to taste and store in airtight container in the fridge. Mix all ingredients together, chill, and enjoy!💋

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Chocolate Milk

Chocolate milk has enough proteins to make it count as a great post-workout drink. It’s filled with calcium, potassium, sodium, and magnesium as well.

Orange Juice

Pick sugar-free orange juice that’s high in antioxidants and has electrolytes just like sports drinks.


Coconut Water

Coconut water will provide you with potassium, natural sugar, and hydrate you.

Tart Cherry Juice

Tart cherry juice is an awesome solution if you need something to reduce pain in your muscles after a workout.

Homemade Sports Drink

Make your own healthy version of sports drink at home by mixing coconut water, honey, sea salt, and a little lemon into your regular water.

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🇳🇱Ok we weten allemaal dat single-use plastic echt troep is en dat het dan ook echt eens tijd werd dat een groot deel van deze producten binnenkort in Europa verboden zullen worden. Een merk dat dit al jaren roept en zich hard maakt voor het bewust maken van deze plastic problematiek is @dopper_official. Ik ben oprecht al lange tijd fan van ze omdat ze ongeveer het eerste waterflessen merk waren met een missie. Wat ik ondanks dit grote probleem juist wel positief vind is, doordat we beseffen dat de plastic waterflesjes niet goed zijn, we kijken naar oplossingen en wat er wel mogelijk is. In dit geval blijkt het dus dat er ontzettend veel plekken zijn op de wereld waar je gewoon het water uit de kraan kan drinken of waar er bijvoorbeeld voldoende gefilterd water wordt geschonken. Zoals hier in Nederland. Veel toeristen die naar Nederland komen weten niet dat het water uit de tap kan worden gedronken. Check jij het altijd voordat je op reis gaat of je het water uit de kraan kan drinken? #tapwatereverywhere ——————————————————————————— 🇬🇧 Allright, we all know that single-use plastic is true waste and its good thing that a many of these products will be illegal in Europe. A brand which has been talking about this plastic issue for many years is @dopper_official. I have been a true fan of this brand as they have been one of the first water bottle brands with a mission. Despite this big issue with plastic, I do like to address that it recalls for solutions. I have become aware of the fact that there are many places all over the world where you can actually drink water from the tap or where they filter water. Also in the Netherlands! Many tourists visit the Netherlands and buy bottles of water while they can drink from our tap. Do you ever check when you are travelling to a destination whether you can drink from the tap?

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Last but not least, water should be your most common choice for a workout drink. It’s pure hydration and there’s nothing your body needs more.