A 10-Minute Reflex Workout Can Help You With Clumsiness

Photo by Elisabeth Wales on Unsplash

People work out for different goals. Some want to improve their general health, others to lose weight, and sometimes, you exercise because you want to be less clumsy. If that’s a problem you have, there’s a simple 10-minute workout that can help you!

Practicing your reflexes can bring you many benefits in different areas of life, but it’s particularly useful for preventing injuries. Many people don’t even consider training their reflexes as they believe they’re stuck with what they’ve got. But that’s not true at all! Here’s what you can do.

Balance on One Leg

Build your hip and ankle stability with this simple exercise. Stand tall on one leg while lifting the other knee parallel with the hips. Keep the position for 30 seconds and switch legs.

Bird Dogs

Get down to your hands and knees. Slowly lift one leg behind you until it’s straight and extend the opposite arm forward. Keep for 90 seconds, go back into the original position, and switch sides.

Toe Jumps

Stand tall with feet slightly apart, lift your heels, and start bouncing on the balls of your feet. If this is too easy, try doing the exercise one foot at a time.