A Beginner’s Guide To Wild Camping

Photo by Scott Goodwill on Unsplash

Wild camping is one of those divisive activities – some people swear it’s the only way to experience nature, whereas others can’t think of anything worse. If you are interested in trying it and have found a spot where it’s safe and legal to wild camp, read these tips before you set out.

Pack Light

It really does pay to invest in high quality kit that will weigh less, dry quicker, and generally keep you happier on your trip. Try buying second hand if the new prices aren’t affordable, as decent kit can make or break your trip. Pay extra attention to your sleeping bag (even if you’re going in summer, assume the temperature will drop significantly at night), and make sure you enough waterproof bags to store kit, clothing and equipment in.


No one goes wild camping for a gourmet experience. Again, you don’t want to carry too much weight, so tins of things aren’t a great idea. Try sup sachets which just require hot water, a quick cook carb such as gnocchi, and sachets of sauces rather than jars. Energy bars are a good quick snack, although don’t take too much chocolate or anything else that melts, in case the temperature rises.


If you’re driving to a wild camping spot just to experience a night under the stars, navigation shouldn’t be too much of an issue. However, if you’re intending to hike and wild camp, you need to carefully plot your route before you go. Don’t rely on phone signal, make sure you take a detailed map and compass (and practice navigating using a compass in a known location before heading to the wilds). When you’re tired and groggy after a night of camping, getting lost can make everything so much worse, so be prepared.