Most kids relish the opportunity to be involved in an athletic experience they enjoy, but it’s sometimes tricky to pick the right one. Age of your child is one of the defining factors you should pay attention to when making this important decision.
If your child is still a preschooler, signing them up for organized sports usually isn’t the best idea. This is a sensitive age when they’re still getting the hang of basic movements. Activities based on an unstructured free play will do the most good. Running, dancing, swimming. throwing and catching ball are some of the exercises they could excel at.
As your kid grows a little bit older, their vision, concentration and attention span will improve. Once they reach the age of six, it’s safe to contact your local club and sign them up for sports activity they’re passionate about. Football, touch rugby, gymnastics, swimming, tennis and martial arts are some of the best choices for kids who are still in elementary school.
After your little one reaches the age of 10, the world is their oyster. Their vision, coordination, and balance are so advanced they are finally ready to take part in more complex, strategic sports. It’s always important to take your kid’s preferences into the account, without pushing them too hard. There could be other activities out there they might enjoy as much, that deserve to be explored.