An Hour of Activity Per Day is Not Enough if You Sit the Rest of the Time

In this day and age, many jobs tie us to office chairs for 8 or more hours per day. And what do we do when we get home? We’re often too tired to do anything but browse our phones or watch TV shows. Making an effort to hit the gym 3-5 times per week is good, but it’s not nearly enough to stay healthy if you’re leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Humans are not made for sitting all day. We are made for moving around, doing physical work most of the time. The inactivity that became common over time leads to a shorter lifespan and numerous health risks. How can you change that? You can’t just leave your work and go do something that requires physical labor, can you?

You don’t have to do anything extreme. All you need to do is find small ways to incorporate physical activity into every day. Use the stairs whenever you can. Walk during your lunch break. Get a standing desk and decrease the amount of time you spend sitting while working. Have walking meetings. If you can, adopt a puppy and walk it a few times per day. These and many other small things that will help you stay healthy more than any scheduled activity simply because it will add up!