Are Green Juices Really Worth It?

Green juice
Photo by Alex Lvrs on Unsplash

It seems like green juices are everywhere. In case you’re not familiar with what is actually in these green drinks, it’s usually a blend of green vegetables and maybe some fruit to add sweetness. These juices can be made with a blender and strainer or a juicer! The most common vegetables found in green juices include celery, spinach, kale, and cucumbers.

Health gurus seem to live by their green juices, almost as if it’s a holy grail solution to health problems. Is anything truly that beneficial though? Let’s talk about it!

Great Source of Vitamins and Minerals

Anytime you are ingesting that many leafy greens, you can expect to gain essential vitamins and minerals. Drinking green juice is great for this very reason. It’s a great way to boost your daily vitamin and mineral intake.

Supports Gut Health

Your gut is one of the most powerful parts of your body, as it affects your energy, your skin, your hormones, and your digestion. Green juices often have prebiotics, which are great for your gut health.

Improves Heart Health

Green juice is another great way to support your heart health. It can help with blood pressure levels and prevent heart disease.

There are clearly many benefits to drinking green juice. It’s important to note, however, that green juices is not a substitute for eating whole vegetables, it is meant to simply boost what you are already eating!