Are You Eating Enough Protein?

When trying to eat healthier, it’s essential to get the right amount of protein, carbs, and fats. Protein is in tons of food including meat, poultry, dairy, egg, fish, nuts, seeds, whole grains, soy, and eggs. Eating more protein can help you feel fuller and more satisfied. The recommend daily allowance of protein a day is based on gender, weight, age, and physical activity, but in general, for men ages 19-50, the recommended daily allowance is 56 grams per day and for women, it’s 46 grams per day. So, how do you know if you’re not eating enough protein? Look out for the following signs.

Losing Muscle Mass

Protein is made of amino acids that aid in building muscle. When you don’t get enough protein, your muscle mass can suffer and you may have decreased strength or notice weight changes.

Prone to Stress Fractures

Protein in addition to calcium, helps with adult bone health. If you aren’t eating enough protein, your bones are more susceptible to breaks and fractures.

Mood Changes

Irritability is a sign of low protein as slow-digesting protein helps stabalize mood and blood sugar levels.

Getting Sick

Protein build antibodies to help ward off bacteria and viruses, so if you’re not getting enough protein you’re more likely to get sick.

Brittle Nails and Slow Hair Growth

When you’re not consuming enough protein, it can cause your nails to break easily and your hair to stop growing.