Avoid These Rookie Calisthenics Mistakes

Calisthenics is a form of strength training that involves movements that use large muscle groups like running, grasping, pushing, and standing. The exercises use minimal equipment, usually only requiring bodyweight. The workouts are great for building strength and mobility, but there are a ton of beginner mistakes that can halt your progress. Here are five rookie mistakes to avoid that will help you achieve your goals.

Not Adding Weight Soon Enough

Once you reach over eight reps in a exericise, you’ve moved out of strength-building range and into endurance. If you want to work on your strength, add more weight.

Not Using Assistance

For certain moves like push-ups and pull-ups, in the beginning, resistance bands are useful to help you work on your form. Once you get stronger, you can try these exercises without assistance.

Not Using Progressions

Mastering an exercise your first few times is difficult, so break it down into a series of moves to build your strength.

Cheating on Range of Motion

When you try to do as many reps as possible, it can lead to cutting corners and losing your form. This will end up holding you back as you won’t build your strength.

Not Training Mobility

Mobility training reduces the risk of injury and improves your range of motion. Make sure you train mobility as often as you train strength.