Bench Press for Beginners: What You Should Know

Photo by Alora Griffiths on Unsplash

Benching is not as simple as it looks. It has rules that must be followed to produce results. You also need to be safe while using it to prevent injuries.

Basics of bench press

Ensure that your forearms form a vertical line. Do not lean forward or lean back. Grab the bar and squeeze hard as you exercise. Balance with your hips and upper back on the bench, and place your feet on the floor. Arch your lower back slightly.

Flex your abs and squeeze your shoulder blades when you lower the bar. Maintain a 45-degree angle on your elbows when you lower the bar.

Safety rules for benching

Don’t drop it

You can hurt yourself badly if you drop a barbell on your neck, chest or face. You should avoid this at all costs.

Bench with a spotter

If you want to lift heavier, have a spotter at your side. The spotter helps you if you lose balance. If your arms are shaky, the spotter will grab it and help you set it down on the rack.

Use safety bars

If you do not have a spotter with you, you can bench in the squat rack using the safety spotter bars. It is easy to use; just take a bench to the squat rack, set up the spotter bar, load it up and start benching.

Keep it slow and steady

Don’t make any sudden movements because you could hurt your joints or get injured.