Best Exercises For Strengthening Joints

When it comes to building muscle and strengthening your body, it’s not all about lifting weights. A crucial component of your body’s healthy ability to develop is the strength of your joints. If you have weak joints, your body’s going to be weaker and you may be at risk for getting injuries. Here are three easy tips and sets of exercises to help you build stronger joints.

Low-Impact Cardio

Cardio such as rowing, swimming, or cycling lubricates your joints, improves circulation, and strengthens the muscles around your joints. High-impact cardio such as running can sometimes damage the joints and cause the cartilage to deteriorate. The virtue of low-impact cardio workouts is that they not only strengthen the joints, but also the whole area around the joints.

Strengthen Your Core

If you have a strong core, your body can accommodate more pressure on the limbs and it can better redistribute weight. The best way to strengthen your core is to do core exercises such as curl-ups, push-ups, and side planks two to three times per week.

Build Leg Muscle Strength

Performing resistance exercises two to three times per week is a great way to strengthen your muscles and, in turn, strengthen the joints that they support. The best resistance exercises are those that work out your legs and hips by using your own body weight, such as squats and lunges.