Best Fabrics to Wear When Working Out

Workout outfit
Photo by Gabriel Alenius on Unsplash

There is an entire industry dedicated purely to active wear. From shorts to bralettes, the outfits worn to work out have transcended fashion lines and made their way into our everyday wardrobes—exercise or not. Athleisure can come in many different fabrics; here are some to choose from that we think are best for getting sweaty in. 

Synthetic Material

Welcome to the polyester, nylon, and spandex family—AKA the fabrics you traditionally associate with workout wear. The reason they work so well is due to their stretch, making it easy to move. Not only are they lightweight and durable, many include moisture-wicking technology which draws sweat away from your body, allowing it to evaporate. 

Bamboo Textile

Made using fibers from the tree, bamboo fabric is naturally antibacterial and has moisture-wicking properties, making it useful when sweating. Soft and breathable (and eco-friendly!), bamboo can help regulate body temperature and keep you cool during workouts.


If comfort is what you’re after, cotton is your guy. The fabric is soft, breathable, and deals pretty well with perspiration. Think of a large, slouchy T-shirts over cycle shorts in summer, and a cozy sweatshirt in winter.