Best Ways to Add Cantaloupe to Your Diet This Summer

Photo by Mitchell Griest on Unsplash

Cantaloupe is one of the most refreshing and hydrating foods you could possibly add to your diet this summer. If you’re bored of eating it on its own but aren’t sure how else to put it to some good use, here are a couple of creative ideas to add this tasty fruit to your diet.

Cantaloupe Smoothies

Pretty much any fruit you can think of can be transformed into a delicious smoothie, and cantaloupes are no different.

Cantaloupe Salad

You can also mix cantaloupe cubes with some of your favorite fruits and veggies, and make a healthy and tasty salad.

Cantaloupe Bowl

You can use cantaloupe as one of the ingredients in your smoothie and acai bowls, or even transform a halved cantaloupe into a bowl and add some Greek yogurt, granola, fruit and other toppings to the mix.

Cantaloupe Soup

You don’t have to only use cantaloupe in your sweet recipes. You can find many soup recipes that utilize this fruit—you just have to blend it first and find the perfect mix of additional ingredients.