Best Ways to Maintain Healthy Step Count During Colder Seasons

Autumn walks
Photo by Takahiro Sakamoto on Unsplash

Walking 10,000 steps a day when it’s nice and sunny outside isn’t rocket science, but things tend to get difficult once colder days arrive. Walking and maintaining a healthy step count in fall and winter comes with many obstacles, but you can make things easier with these useful tips.

Sunny Days

Fall and winter bring many cold and gloomy days our way, but it’s not all that bad. We’ll still get a nice and sunny day every once in a while, and it’s important to put them to some good use. Pay attention to the weather forecast and plan a longer walk on the days when there’s no snow or rain in sight.

Walk Indoors

Walking indoors is also a great way to increase your step count, and that doesn’t necessarily mean you should walk around your house in circles. Heading to a local mall is a good idea because you’ll have a lot of ground to cover, easily reaching 10,000 steps.


Treadmill often gets a bad rap, but hear us out—you don’t have to run to enjoy it. Speed walking is also an option, and you’ll reach your daily step count in no time if you give this popular gym machine a shot.