Best Ways to Make Your First Kayaking Adventure Safe and Fun

Photo by Pete Nowicki on Unsplash

Kayaking is one of the most exciting summer sports, but it can be intimidating if you’ve never done it before. If you’re planning to embark on your very first kayaking adventure in the nearby future, here are some useful tips that will make it as safe and fun as it gets.

Learn the Basics

There’s no point going kayaking if you haven’t learned the basics, such as holding a kayak paddle, performing basic strokes, and maneuvering your kayak. The easiest way to learn all these things is to join a kayak club.

Safety First

Staying safe while kayaking is crucial, and it’s highly recommended to wear a life jacket at all times. It’s also recommended to never go kayaking alone and always have a buddy by your side.

Right Time

Wind can complicate your kayaking adventure, so you should try to head outside on a sunny, windless day. First-timers should also keep their kayaking time under two hours to avoid fatigue.

Right Place

It’s also crucial to find the right place for your kayaking adventure. Rivers are a popular choice, but you should go for ponds and lakes at first because they’re much calmer. It helps to launch your kayak from a gently sloping sandy beach because things can get tricky when you’re dealing with a steep and rocky shoreline.