Can Chewing Gum Help You Lose Weight?

The debate continues, does chewing gum aid with weight loss? Unfortunately, there’s not a simple yes or no answer; it really depends on your reason for chewing gum.

If you use gum to distract yourself from feeling hungry after meals and to curve cravings, then gum may help you stay on track of your nutritional goals. Chewing gum after meals or when you’re bored can get rid of the desire to eat sweets after meals. If you’re someone who snacks in between meals, chewing gum can be used as a way to prevent this.

On the other side, gum often contains sugar-free sweeteners which can make your brain think you’ve consumed sugar, but there’s no spike in your blood sugar, which can be dangerous. This, in turn, can make you feel hungry and lead to overeating. If your aim is to replace gum with actual food, you’re going to eventually get hungry and restricting your food always leads to overeating.

The takeaway message is that chewing gum isn’t a weight-loss tool, but for some people, it cuts down cravings and for others, it can be a trigger for overeating. We hate to break it to you, but the best way to lose weight is always a healthy diet and regular exercise. Unforanetly, there are no shortcuts on a weight loss journey.