Chloe Ting Will Help You Take Your Cool-Down Routine to a New Level

Screenshot via Chloe Ting/YouTube

You’ve probably heard that warm-up should be included in your workout more times than you can count, but what about cool-down? This activity should also be a part of your fitness regimen, and Chloe Ting is here to encourage you to fully embrace it in the future.

In one of her most recent workout videos, the famous fitness influencers shared a 15-minute cool-down routine with over 17 million of her YouTube fans. This routine is a part of her ongoing 2021 Flat Stomach Challenge, but you can perform it even if you’re not participating.

At the very start of her video, Ting explains that “it’s important to do a cool-down after every workout to relax, cool down your body, and return your muscles to their resting rate.” Just like a warm-up, this part of working out shouldn’t be skipped, because it plays an important role in injury prevention.

Throughout the video, Ting demonstrated several stretching techniques you can utilize to relax your body after a workout. They’re followed with useful instructions that will teach you how to do them with proper form, even if you’re training from home.