Constantly Comparing Yourself to Others? Here’s How to Stop

Photo by Anupam Mahapatra on Unsplash

We’re all guilty of comparing ourselves to others, and wishing we had their body or dedication. This is one of the most toxic traits that’s doing no favors to our progress at the gym, but it’s possible to change your mindset with these three simple steps.

Social Media Cleanse

Following dozens of fitness gurus on Instagram can be pretty inspirational, but it can also lead to unrealistic expectations. If you catch yourself feeling down because you’re constantly fixating on their staged perfection, don’t feel bad about hitting that unfollow button.

Prioritizing Fun

Never forget there’s more to a workout than staying in a good shape. It’s also important to find something that fills you with joy and brings you in touch with amazing people. Look for a fitness routine that makes you happy, and everything else will come easily.

Knowing Your Limits

Never forget some people you envy are professional athletes who have to stay fit for the living. You may never look like them, and there’s nothing wrong with that because you have completely different goals. Focus on yours and embrace what makes you unique, every step of the way.