Daily Habits to Relieve Back Pain

Back pain
Image via AndrewLozovyi/depositphotos

Back pain is a common health problem that can be caused by many different factors. Sedentary lifestyle, among other things, can be one of the causes, so here are a few simple daily habits that can help relieve back pain.

Proper Posture

Bad posture can cause back pain and many other health problems, and it’s one of the first things people with severe back pain must deal with. Sitting properly at a desk, adjusting your computer screen and chair are just some of the habits that could help relieve tension in your back.

Avoid Heavy Lifting

Carrying heavy grocery bags, suitcases or any other heavy load on a regular basis can also lead to back pain or make it worse, so try to avoid this.

Wear Comfy Shoes

Most people don’t realize that wearing the wrong footwear can also cause back pain. Choosing quality, comfortable shoes that will support your back is a simple thing you can do for reducing back pain.


Stretching is by far the best way to reduce or prevent back pain and it’s particularly important for people who sit for hours. Doing a short 15-minute stretching routine every day can do wonders for relieving back pain.