Does Sleep Deprivation Affect Your Workouts?

Photo by Kendal James on Unsplash

24 hours usually isn’t enough to do everything you wanted and getting eight hours of sleep seems like an impossible task. Fitting your gym session into your tight schedule often means giving up on something else. Your bedtime routine will probably be the one to take a hit, but you’ll end up losing more than a few hours of sleep.

In order to stay healthy, it’s important to strike the right balance. Yes, you can go to the gym if you slept less than usual, but don’t make a habit of it. It’s fine to sacrifice your nap time once or twice a week, but try to recharge during your days off.

Sleep deprivation can negatively affect your reaction times and performance, and increase sensitivity to pain. You’ll have to work harder to accomplish the same results, especially if the sport you’re committed to requires concentration. The risk of getting injured goes up when you’re too sleepy, and so does the risk of getting sick.

If this becomes a regular thing, your performance will be impaired in the long run and you won’t even notice it’s happening. That’s why it’s important to cut this problem at the root. Give yourself a break and let your body recover when you feel like crawling back to your bed. It’s better to sacrifice one day at the gym than mess up with your whole fitness routine.