Essential Supplements For Women

Nowadays, supplements are becoming increasingly developed and are able to tap into what our body lacks. Companies are constantly looking into supplements that can boost energy, aid with immunity, and combat body inflammation. Long gone are the days of gummy candies and Flinstone pills that our parents would regularly feed us.

Choosing a brand and product can be challenging so we’ve compressed a few essential vitamins and supplements to help your body recover from exercising so you can glow on the inside.

Fish Oil For Your Heart

Fish oil has a ton of heart-healthy pros for your body including lowering blood pressure and giving you great skin with its omega 3s. It’s also known to encourage fat burning – another great reason to add fish oil to your daily diet. Take 1-2 a day after a meal.

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Calcium For Strong Bones

Calcium is an extremely important supplement to take regularly. When building muscles, calcium is needed for muscles to grow optimally. It’s recommended to take about 500-600 mg 1-2 times a day to get the best results.

Turmeric For Inflammation

Turmeric doesn’t get enough credit for being a wonder supplement. This ancient spice contains curcumin which helps to initiate your body’s anti-inflammation spikes to pop up and ward off pesky inflammation. Often times it can contain ginger root which is a great source for getting more nutrients.

Biotin For Healthy Hair and Nails

Biotin is the perfect supplement to have to promote healthy hair and nail growth. Since exercising or being outdoors a lot can damage our tresses and cuticles, taking biotin will help to replenish them and make them stronger and less brittle. It’s important to keep our bodies healthy and strong and that includes our hair.