Follow These Stages of Motivation to Stay Fit

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

It’s impossible to start your fitness journey if you lack motivation. Discovering what drives you and inspires you to strive for more is a long process and it consists of several important stages.

1. Find Your Kick-Starter

The first step you’ll have to make is finding something that drives your desire to start working out. It may be someone else’s success story or important changes in your life, but these motivators are often only temporary.

2. Eliminate Negative Patterns

Staying motivated in the long run can be difficult because we all have negative forces in our lives. That’s why it’s important to recognize your triggers and re-direct your motivation towards healthier life choices.

3. Find Right Resources

The will to work out isn’t worth much if you don’t have the right resources. Use journals, books, gym, coaches, healthy recipes, or training programs you see online as your driving force. They can help you keep going on the days when you feel like giving up your fitness journey.

4. Lead By Example

During stage one of your fitness journey, you looked up to other people for motivation. Now’s the time to be that person for someone else. Your progress can serve as motivation for your friends and family members who are just starting their adventure at the gym.