Foods You Should Never Eat After a Workout

Avoid these foods after a workout
Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash

Just because you’ve crushed a workout doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want once you step out of the gym. There are countless reasons for this, and we’re about to delve into them right now. Here are some foods you should never eat after a workout.

Raw Veggies

You might be tempted to eat veggies after a workout because they seem like a healthy choice. Even though they are nutritious, our body needs carbs and protein in order to recover and restore energy, and that’s why eating only veggies is not a good choice.

Spicy Food

Spicy food, as we all know, is hard to digest and that’s why eating it when the body is still under stress from an intense workout is not a good idea.

Fatty Foods

Make sure to limit the amount of foods that are high in fat, even healthy ones, after workouts because they can slow down your metabolism.

Sugary Drinks

When it comes to drinks, try to avoid consuming sugary drinks such as soda, sports drinks, or store-bought smoothies after a workout. Even though drinking soda is refreshing and great for boosting energy, it can cause dehydration and make you feel even more tired after a while.