Here’s What to Know Before Your First Pilates Reformer Class

Have you been thinking about taking a Pilates reformer class, but you don’t know what to expect? One thing it’s not is a slow, easy workout. You’re in for a full-body workout that will work on your strength, flexibility, and posture. The movements target specific muscle groups and the machine adds resistance to the exercises. Here’s what you should know before heading to your first Pilates reformer class.

It’s Not a Mat Class

With Pilates reformer classes, you won’t be lying around on the mat—most of the moves are done on a Pilates reformer, making it more intense than a regular class. A Pilates reformer is a machine comprised of a carriage that moves along a track. The carriage moves back and forth and is connected to springs with varying resistances, that provide the weight for the exercises.


Tight clothing is best for this type of workout because it allows your instructor to assess your alignment. Form-fitting tops and legging or tight shorts work best. You’ll also want to get a pair of grippy socks to prevent your feet from slipping on the machine and a pair of gloves with grips for when your hands start sweating.

The Springs Are Different Resistances

Most reformers have yellow, blue, and red springs with yellow being the lightest resistance, blue is the medium, and red is the heaviest.

Listen to Your Instructor

While you may want to try different resistances, if you’re a beginner, listen to your instructor for instructions of where to be on the machine.

Your Wrists May Get Tired

Your wrists aren’t used in many exercises, but in Pilates, you’ll be balancing on your hands a lot. Over time you’ll build strength there, but if your wrists start to hurt, take a break and shake them out before continuing with the exercise.

It’s a Full-Body Workout

As mentioned, Pilates reformer classes are full-body workouts, and you’ll be working muscles you normally wouldn’t be. Your core will be used throughout the whole class to stabilize your torso so your arms and legs can move or as a mobilizer while you shift and rotate your hips.