Here’s Why You Feel Lower Back Pain While Running

Some kinds of pain are expected when running as you won’t get worried if your legs and feet hurt, but what about lower back pain? Why does your lower back hurt when you run and is it okay to keep working out when it happens?

Doctor of physical therapy and clinical specialist in Orthopaedic, Theresa Marko, discussed the issue with PopSugar, “Basically it fundamentally comes down to fatigue.” She pointed out that there are two different types of muscle fibers, slow-twitch and fast-twitch. “The fast-twitch muscles are the more superficial muscles and have a lot of energy stored in them. When you first start off on a run, it puts fast-twitch muscle fibers in high gear. They sprint off and allow you to go.”

Dr. Marko explains that these muscles quickly start to lose energy which leads to pain. There’s another common cause of lower back pain while running, and that’s fatigue of the sides of our hips. It causes fatigue of gluteus medius muscle, an important muscle that provides lumbar stability. When it fatigues, our lower back muscles start to overwork and we feel pain.