Here’s Why You’re Not Running Faster

Running tips
Photo by RUN 4 FFWPU from Pexels

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced runner, it’s only normal if you want to improve your performance and run faster in your next race. Becoming a faster runner, however, is not that easy and here are a few things that could be stopping you from increasing your speed.

Lack Of Strength Training

Unfortunately, going for a run on a regular basis is simply not enough to become a better and faster runner. Building muscle strength is just as important as running because it can help improve posture, boost strength, and eventually increase your speed.

You Run Too Much

Running consistently, even when you don’t feel like it, is the key to success. However, that doesn’t mean you should run every single day, because your body and muscles need time to recover from long runs.

Bad Diet

What we eat can greatly impact our fitness performance, which is why a good diet is extremely important if you want to become a faster runner. Eating enough calories and carbohydrates can boost your energy levels and increase your running speed.

Not Enough Sleep

Don’t underestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep, because quality sleep is important for recovery and reducing stress, and it can also improve your fitness performance.