HIIT Activities That Increase Your Stamina

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Everyone needs stamina during a workout. It helps you to train for a longer time without getting tired. It also means you’ll thrive in any sport of your choice. You can build stamina over time with high-intensity interval training. Some of them include:

Elliptical HIIT

This training is tough but works perfectly. HIIT improves performance by enhancing maximal oxygen uptake. It also causes muscular and metabolic adaptations. Use the elliptical trainer for your HIIT sessions to exhaust your muscles quickly and safely.

Superset your weight training sessions

Weight training sessions also work on your heart and lungs and not just the pecs and biceps. Superset your resistance training exercises to turn them into stamina boosting workouts. This involves exercising different muscle groups without resting in between. This routine comes in handy to help you build stamina.

Use a kettlebell for high reps

Kettlebell swings are well known for their focus on building the muscles such as hamstrings, glutes, lower back and core muscles. All the muscles situated on the posterior chain are important in every athletic activity and human movement. If you can condition the muscles, you will boost your stamina in a large way.

Perform the kettlebell swings to turn it into an intense workout as well. Concentrate on increasing your rep each time.