How to Be Environmentally Friendly While Working Out

With the growing impact of climate change, many people are trying to reduce their carbon footprint in any way possible whether it’s using metal straws or carrying reusable water bottles. But, how can you be environmentally friendly while exercising? Here are five ways to do it.

Make Your Commute Your Workout

Vehicles produce 1/3 of American pollution and the average commute to work is around 15 miles each way, so why not bike to and from work? If 15 miles each way is too much for you, you can combine it with public transportation or try to do it once a week.

Walk, Run, or Bike to the Gym

Most people live pretty close to the gym and it’s always an option to ditch your car and walk there. Plus, you’ll get a great pre-workout!

Skip the Gym

Gym equipment runs on electricity and to save energy, you could work out at home or at the park. You’ll get a great bodyweight workout in the process and you can reconnect with nature.

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Reuse or Reduce

Always use a reusable water bottle and as few towels as possible. Also, when you wash your clothes make sure you have a full load and try to use an energy-efficient dryer or hang-dry your clothes.

Shorter Showers

Cut down on your water usage while at the gym or at home and try and bring your own grooming supplies from home to cut down on plastic.