How to do Interval Training

Interval training is a great way to dramatically accelerate your fitness levels quickly and efficiently. Once you know how to do it, you can train in this way anywhere, at any time. Here’s how to do interval training.

High-Intensity Bursts

The secret to interval training is to pursue bursts of high-intensity cardiovascular exercise. This raises your heart rate, gets your heart pumping, and raises your peak fitness limits. Typical high-intensity bursts last for around one minute followed by one to two minutes of less intense activity.

Interspersed with Rest Periods

The high intensity needs to be interspersed with lower intensity workouts or rest periods. Hence the name “interval” training. This change in tempo works out your heart, trains your nervous systems, and allows your body to be pushed beyond its normal limits.

Types of Interval Training

Interval training typically involves high-intensity cardiovascular exercise training. This could be sprinting, running, rowing, or cycling.

Fartlek Training

Fartlek training is a special system where you warm up for five to ten minutes. After this, sprint for around one minute and then jog or walk for two to three minutes before sprinting again for one minute. Keep repeating the process for 30-45 minutes, gradually increasing the sprint time.