How to Set Realistic Workout Goals

Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

So you’ve decided to turn over a new leaf and set a concrete plan for working out. We applaud you to the moon and back because setting a plan is the first step towards achieving success. However, when planning your routine, it’s important to make sure that it’s realistic. But what exactly does that mean? How are you supposed to know what’s realistic and what’s not if you have no real frame of reference? Here’s what you need to do.

Take Notes And Adjust

In the beginning, the main thing you need to do is take notes on where your body is at. Set a goal for yourself that “seems” realistic. If you go through a rep and realize that it was incredibly easy, then perhaps you actually need to challenge yourself more. However, if the routine you chose was harsh and a bit painful to go through, then perhaps it’s not sustainable. Now it’s time to calibrate it to something that’s a little bit easier for you to handle.

Have Fun

The key is to get to a place where you’re actually enjoying your workouts. Once you’ve gone through a few “calibration rounds”, you should find yourself hitting a sweet spot that’s perfect for you.