How to Stay Active If You Hate Exercising

Photo by Ahmad Odeh on Unsplash

No matter what, some people simply hate exercise. While knowing that it’s beneficial for overall health, many people avoid working out just because it seems boring or unnecessarily tiring. If you’re one of those people, we’re not here to judge. Instead, we’ll share some amazing ways to stay active even though you hate exercising.


We don’t know a single person who hates dancing! Even if you’re too shy to do it in front of the others, nothing prevents you from blasting some music and making a dance party at home. You can burn a lot of calories while having fun.


Taking care of your garden counts as an activity! Chances are there’ll be a lot of squatting, bending, digging, and other movements, so 30 minutes per day is enough to consider your workout done. Plus, you’ll have the most beautiful garden in the neighborhood!

Do Chores

Similar applies to all household chores. Wash your car, vacuum the floors, put the dishes away. Before you know it, you’ll get your heart rate up and your home will look so much better.