How to Work Up to Doing Your First Pull-Up

Man doing pull ups outdoors
Photo by Fortune Vieyra on Unsplash

For many people, doing a pull-up is a big challenge that can serve as something of a milestone to hit along your fitness journey. While it is an incredible and exciting feat to complete, it also can take a lot more training to work up to a pull-up than something like push-ups or running a mile. So to help you get your first pull-up, here are some tips.

Assisted Pull-Up Machine

If you belong to a gym, you probably have access to something called an assisted pull-up machine which works by using weight to counterbalance your body weight and essentially make you lighter so that it’s easier to pull yourself up. This is a great way to work up to doing a pull-up because you’ll be training the right body mechanics but with a lighter load, and you can increasingly make it harder and harder until you can eventually do one with no assistance at all.


If you don’t have access to any gyms or equipment, negatives will be your best bet for training pull-ups. Basically, you jump or climb up to be hanging with your chin above the bar and slowly let yourself down to a free hang.