Is Pickled Food Healthy?

Now that we’ve got more time on our hands, we’ve been trying some new cooking techniques and one of them is pickling. We’ve been pickling tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, onions, and squash, but we also have been wondering if it’s healthy to do so because the pickling liquid we use has lots of salt. So, is pickling healthy?

Pickles happen to be low in calories, they’re fat-free, and they have nutrients. They’re also a great source of probiotics when they’re fermented in a salty solution for several weeks. Probiotics are considered good bacteria as they support a healthy gut and immune system. For athletes, the sodium may be helpful in reducing muscle cramps.

One downside is that pickled foods are high in sodium and if you suffer from certain health issues like high blood pressure, heart disease, or kidney disease, your doctor may suggest following a low-sodium diet. Pickled food can also cause bloating due to the high-sodium content.

The bottom line is that as long as you’re not following a low-sodium diet, it’s okay to eat pickled foods in moderation. Just be sure to pay attention to the portion size and to have them as a snack or side dish to healthy meals.