It’s Time to Connect Virtually Through Walking

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

During the pandemic with the social distancing practices in place, it’s been hard to connect with others which has made us feel extremely isolated. Exercising happens to be a great way to connect and stay fit, even if it’s virtually. Here are some ways to connect virtually through walking.

Set a Step Count Challenge

Need a way to stay motivated? Set up a weekly step challenge leading up to the holidays or see who can get the most steps on a certain day. You can even set prizes for the winner!

Do an Indoor Walking Workout on Zoom

If it’s too cold outside or it’s rainy, you can get a great walking workout indoors where you set up a live video chat on FaceTime or Zoom and participate with others. You can include stairs and bodyweight exercises.

Follow a Group Workout Plan

Are you one of those people who needs structure to stay consistent with your workouts? Then, set up a few weeks of walking workouts on a spreadsheet and share it with your friends and family. You can include goals and have everyone put in their progress each week.

Do Virtual Walking Events

Due to the pandemic, race organizers have started creating more virtual walking and running events. This year, you can do a holiday event like a turkey trot or Jingle Bell 5K virtually.