Love Cocktails? Here’s How to Make Them Healthier

Alcohol has a ton of calories and many dieters try to avoid it, but shouldn’t you be able to drink a cocktail every once in a while? Cocktails have a lot of empty calories and they’re full of added sugar, but there are some ways to cut down on the calories and sugar while increasing the nutritional value in a cocktail. Here are some tips for making cocktails healthier.

Choose Mixers Wisely

When choosing a mixture for your vodka or tequila, opt for one rich in antioxidants or 100 percent fruit juice over soda. Instead of adding empty calories, you’ll be getting health benefits from the juices. You can also mix sparkling water with liquors or wine, which is low in calories and will keep you hydrated.

Bloody Mary For Antioxidants

Bloody Marys are a tomato-based drink which are rich in antioxidants. During your next brunch, choose a Bloody Mary over a mimosa and make sure the mix is made with real tomatoes and free of corn syrup and artificial colors.

Kombucha For Bubbly and Gut-Friendly Drink

Kombucha adds bubbly to your cocktail and the probiotics will give you an immunity boosts. Kombucha is also delicious on its own.

Add Real Fruit

Squeeze real fruit into your drinks. Blood oranges, lemons, and tart cherries are great additions to any cocktail.

Swap Out Syrupy Liquids

Sure sweet liquors taste amazing, but they’re full of sugar. Instead use the real thing, like for a peppermint taste, use mint leaves and for a coffee taste, use espresso shots.