Create Your Own Relaxing DIY Spa

There is no human in this world that hasn’t been affected by stress at least once in their lifetime. Whether you have a stressful job or you are dealing with some kind of problems in your life, treating yourself to a spa day is exactly what you need. You should practice it at least once a week; it will help you relax and increases positive energy.

A warm bath, aromatic, essential oils, proper breathing, and relaxed thoughts – sounds like a real paradise! And the best thing? You can do it in your own home! All you need is an essential oil of your choice.

Mint Oil

Mint oil is great for people with headaches. Mint contains ingredients that affect the relaxation of muscles and the spread of blood vessels, so it eases tension headaches. It’s an ideal addition to a warm bath before bedtime.

Lavender Oil

Lavender is great for people who suffer from depression, anxiety, and insomnia. A couple of drops will help you sleep, improve your circulation, and relieve stress.

Ginger Oil

If you have problems with nausea, put several drops of ginger oil into boiling water and breathe, this way you will directly calm your stomach.