Meditation: How Important is Good Posture?

Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

Meditation is a great way to deal with stress, sleep better, and use a rest day. While some people find it hard to clear their minds, others struggle with maintaining good posture. Keeping an upright, aligned posture while meditating is difficult since we’re used to slouching over our keyboards all day. So, how important is a good posture in meditation?

When meditating, the ideal position is seated, cross-legged in Easy Pose. To make the position more comfortable, you can use a blanket, yoga block, or lean up against a wall. Another position you can try is Hero’s Pose, which has you kneeling and placing a block or cushion under you. If you have knee or hip problems, sit on a straight-backed chair with your feet on the ground.

These positions are ideal because they allow you to explore your consciousness and breath deeper. When you’re sitting in a well-aligned position, as you inhale, your belly can expand and the diaphragm can drop down, making for more space for the lungs to expand. When you exhale, the diaphragm moves back up, helping the breath escape.

Bad posture can affect more than just your breathing—it can create discomfort and lead to distraction while you’re meditating. Also, if you’re lying on your back, it can make you more sleepy, which isn’t what meditation is all about.