Most Extreme Hiking Trails to Test Your Agility

Extreme hiking is a wonderful way to test your physical agility and mental determination. For the adventurous thrill-seekers among you, these hiking trails not only provide excellent physical training and tests of endurance, but they introduce you to some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. Here are four hiking trails for those extreme athletes among you.

The Maze Overlook Trail, Canyonlands National Park

This extreme hiking trail in Utah is not for the faint-hearted. Hikers will have to navigate labyrinthine networks of tunnels and sheer cliff faces in 100 F heat.

The West Coast Trail, Vancouver Island

Located on Vancouver Island off southwestern Canada is the famous West Coast Trail. Backpackers will have to hike 46 miles up steep vertical wooden ladders and negotiate slippery stones. It’s a wonderful test of strength and stamina.

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Mount Huashan, China

If you’re scared of heights, this one is not for you. This hiking trail skirts a mountain ridge 600m in the air on flimsy-looking wooden boards. It’s a supreme test of balance, nerve, and agility.

The Haiku Stairs, Hawaii

Also known as the “Stairway to Heaven”, this famous 4000 step trail is composed of steep metal stairs that follow the peak of the Hawaiian mountains.