Motivation vs. Discipline: The Secret to Hitting Your Goals

Motivational sign that reads
Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

We all know the feeling—you promised yourself to stick to a certain fitness regimen. Whether your goal is to work out once a week or six, you’re bound to feel unmotivated from time to time. If you rely on motivation alone to hit your fitness goals, you will likely come up short. This is why you need to not only have motivation, but also discipline.

Motivation is your willingness to do something. For example, you really feel excited about your workout for the day because you know it will make you feel good after. You want to do it.

Unfortunately, you aren’t going to want to workout every time you should. Sometimes you’ll be tired or busy or distracted. But these are the days that are crucial to staying on track. This is exactly why you need to rely on discipline, as well as motivation, to get you through.

Discipline means you follow a pattern of behavior, even when you don’t particularly want to. This means going to the gym even when you don’t feel like it because you know it will help you keep up with your flow of going to the gym. Discipline will get you through the ruts and lazy days, making sure that you don’t fall off the wagon and stick to your goals!