Powerful Mental Tools to Enhance Your Performance

Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

A powerful body is only one aspect of a good athlete. The other is a powerful mind. Try these exercises daily and watch your energy increase, enjoy a better mood, and enhanced determination levels.

Unpack Yourself into the Environment

The first exercise is to feel your environment inside you and feel yourself in your environment. Let the sounds, colors, and feel of the environment become part of you. As you do this breath deeply in and out to the count of five. Try to unpack yourself into the environment in this way every day.

Eat the Environment

As you unpack yourself into the environment, you should try to keep this feeling before you all of the time. A good way of doing this is to “eat” the environment. This means, as you walk and look around in your daily life, consume the feeling of what you see. Take it into your body and digest it. Let it become a part of you like food does when you eat it

Positive Thinking

If you follow the two exercises above, you will notice that your feelings are happier and more positive. To reinforce these gains, consciously strive to focus on the positive aspects of your life. Count your blessings, not your failures.