Push-Ups Can Be Mastered, One Step at a Time

Push up tips
Photo by Sam Owoyemi on Unsplash

Out of all the countless ways there are to work out your body, push-ups are among the most popular. Not only does it work out multiple muscles and strengthen your core, but you don’t need any external equipment to do it.

However, while push-ups can be extremely effective, they aren’t exactly easy to do if you’re not in the greatest shape. But have no fear, because push-ups really don’t have to be scary as long as you have the determination to master them. Here’s how.

Don’t Compare Yourself

The worst thing you can do when doing push-ups is compare yourself to your super-fit friends who have never had a problem doing 20 push-ups in one shot. If you can barely even do one or two, that’s completely fine. You’re on your way to success, but the first thing you need to do is stop comparing yourself to others. This is your journey, after all.

One at a Time

If you’re only able to do one push-up at a time, here’s a quick tip. After each push-up, rest your body on the ground for 10 seconds, and then do another one. If you keep doing that for three minutes and 20 seconds, you’ll have done 20 push-ups!

Make this a usual routine, and before you know it you’ll be able to do much more than one push-up a time. Slow and steady wins the race, and you’re not in a rush—so just have fun and congratulate yourself after every set!