Say Goodbye to a UTI With These Tips

Photo by Natallia Nagorniak on Unsplash

If you have ever experienced the misery of a urinary tract infection, you will have reason to believe that satan could live in your nether regions. UTIs are caused by bacteria like E.coli getting trapped in your urinary tract, and the result is uncomfortable and painful. The infection can cause a burning sensation down there, as well as the feeling that you constantly need to pee.

But here’s the thing: it doesn’t just happen to women. Although women tend to experience them more frequently due to the structure of their anatomy, men can also join the UTI party. Yes, folks, equality. 

Thankfully, as irritating as they are, UTIs are not on any danger watchlists. Most of the time they can be sorted out with an antibiotic; but it’s also important to drink, drink, drink. We’re talking, like, 3 liters a day. This will help to flush the bacteria out of your system. It is also a good idea to down some cranberry juice (though maybe leave out the vodka until you feel a bit better…).

Aside from keeping hydrated, UTIs can be prevented by wearing breathable cotton underwear; not holding your pee for too long; emptying your bladder after intercourse; and avoiding any products that claim to freshen you up down there.